Lyme Disease is sometimes misdiagnosed as Depression

It has been reported that some patients have been misdiagnosed with Depression, when in fact the correct diagnosis in their specific case was Lyme Disease.

Lyme disease is diagnosed by insecting the rash as well as checking the medical history for incidents of tick bites or living in an area with high disease prevelance. Blood tests are mostly accurate a few weeks post infection as antibodies will have formed by then.

Always consult your doctor or health professional, and do not self diagnose.

Symptoms can include:

Swollen lymph nodes, circular flat rash anywhere in the body, muscle pains, fever, headache, swelling and pain in the joint, trouble concentrating, sleep problems

Symptoms are a guideline only and may apply to either the diagnosis or the reported misdiagnosis, or both. Consult your specialist for further information.

Further reference: